Who's Who in
Sciences Academia

268 members found

Xiaoyi BAO, Professor
University of Ottawa
Department of Physics

Louis Barriault, Professor
University of Ottawa
Department of Organic Chemistry

Louis BARRIAULT, Professor
University of Ottawa
Department of Chemistry

Clement P. Bataille, Assistant Professor
University of Ottawa
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Elaine Beaulieu, Assistant Professor
University of Ottawa
Department of Biology

Pegah Behradmajd, Adjunct Professor
University of Ottawa
Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Abdelaziz Beljadid, Adjunct Professor
University of Ottawa
Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Robert N. Ben, Associate Professor
University of Ottawa
Department of Organic Chemistry

Robert N. Ben, Professor
University of Ottawa
Department of Chemistry

Maxim V. BEREZOVSKI, Assistant Professor
University of Ottawa
Department of Analytical Chemistry

Maxim V. Berezovski, Assistant Professor
University of Ottawa
Department of Chemistry

Pierre-Jérôme Bergeron, Adjunct Professor
University of Ottawa
Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Ravi BHARDWAJ, Assistant Professor
University of Ottawa
Department of Physics

Clemonell Lord Baronat Bilayi-Biakana, Adjunct Professor
University of Ottawa
Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Jules Blais, Associate Professor
University of Ottawa
Department of Ecology, Behaviour and Systematics


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