Who's Who in
Sciences Academia

261 members found

Evgeny Kharlamov, Associate Professor
University of Oslo
Department of Informatics

Olav Kjeldseth-Moe, Professor
University of Oslo
Department of Theoretical Astrophysics

Kristian Gjertsen Kjelgård, Associate Professor
University of Oslo
Department of Informatics

Andreas Kleppe, Associate Professor
University of Oslo
Department of Informatics

Egor Kostylev, Associate Professor
University of Oslo
Department of Informatics

Glenn Kristiansen, Instructor
University of Oslo
Department of Informatics

Lars Kristiansen, Adjunct Associate Professor
University of Oslo
Department of Mathematics

Lars Kristiansen, Adjunct Professor
University of Oslo
Department of Informatics

Arve Kvalheim, Associate Professor
University of Oslo
Department of Mathematics

Erik Løw, Professor
University of Oslo
Department of Mathematics

Tor Sverre Lande, Instructor
University of Oslo
Department of Informatics

Dag Langmyhr, Instructor
University of Oslo
Department of Informatics

Astrid Twenebowa Ansa-Quarshie Larssen, Associate Professor
University of Oslo
Department of Informatics

Arnfinn Laudal, Professor
University of Oslo
Department of Mathematics

Egil Leer, Professor
University of Oslo
Department of Theoretical Astrophysics


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