Who's Who in
Sciences Academia

66 members found

Shmuel Gal, Professor
University of Haifa
Department of Statistics

Noya Galai, Lecturer
University of Haifa
Department of Statistics

Yoram Gerchman, Lecturer
University of Haifa
Department of Biology

Yuval Ginosar, Professor
University of Haifa
Department of Mathematics

Alexander Goldenshluger, Associate Professor
University of Haifa
Department of Statistics

Martin Golumbic, Professor
University of Haifa
Department of Computer Science

Isabella Grishkan, Lecturer
University of Haifa
Department of Evolution and Environmental Biology

Shay Gueron, Professor
University of Haifa
Department of Mathematics

Abraham Haim, Professor
University of Haifa
Faculty of Science & Science Education

Avner Halevy, Associate Professor
University of Haifa
Department of Statistics

Malka Halpern, Lecturer
University of Haifa
Department of Biology

Victor Harnik, Professor
University of Haifa
Department of Mathematics

Hagit Hel-or, Professor
University of Haifa
Department of Computer Science

Vladimir Hinich, Professor
University of Haifa
Department of Mathematics

Moshe Inbar, Lecturer
University of Haifa
Department of Biology


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