Who's Who in
Sciences Academia

134 members found

Jinqiang Hou, Assistant Professor
Lakehead University
Department of Chemistry

Wendy Huang, Professor
Lakehead University
Department of Mathematical Sciences

Alexandra Hudyma, Lecturer
Lakehead University
Department of Mathematical Sciences

Janice M. Hughes, Associate Professor
Lakehead University
Department of Biology

Leonard Hutchison, Associate Professor
Lakehead University
Department of of Natural Resources Management

Zi-Hua Justin Jiang, Assistant Professor
Lakehead University
Department of Chemistry

Nandakumar Kanavillil, Professor
Lakehead University
Department of Biology

Werden Keeler, Emeritus Professor
Lakehead University
Department of Physics

David D. Kemp, Professor
Lakehead University
Department of Geography

C. F. Kent, Emeritus Professor
Lakehead University
Department of Mathematical Sciences

Neelam Khaper, Adjunct Professor
Lakehead University
Department of Biology

Arnold Kim, Adjunct Professor
Lakehead University
Department of Computer Science

Stephen D. Kinrade, Professor
Lakehead University
Department of Chemistry

Stephen A. Kissin, Professor
Lakehead University
Department of Geology

Sreekumari Kurissery, Associate Professor
Lakehead University
Department of Biology


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