Who's Who in
Sciences Academia

108 members found

Wade Hadwen, Lecturer
Griffith University
Faculty of Environmental Sciences

David Harman, Associate Lecturer
Griffith University
Department of Applied Mathematics

Thomas Haselhorst, Associate Professor
Griffith University
School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science

Jason Hay, Associate Lecturer
Griffith University
Department of Applied Mathematics

Mardé Helbig, Senior Lecturer
Griffith University
School of Information and Communication Technology

Rene Hexel, Associate Professor
Griffith University
School of Information and Communication Technology

Zhe Hou, Lecturer
Griffith University
School of Information and Communication Technology

Todd Houston, Associate Professor
Griffith University
Department of Chemistry

Saiful Islam, Lecturer
Griffith University
School of Information and Communication Technology

Sue Jackson, Professor
Griffith University
Faculty of Environmental Sciences

Owen Jepps, Senior Lecturer
Griffith University
Department of Applied Mathematics

Jun Jo, Associate Professor
Griffith University
School of Information and Communication Technology

Richard John, Professor
Griffith University
Faculty of Environmental Sciences

Peter R. Johnston, Associate Professor
Griffith University
Department of Applied Mathematics

Tak Kim, Lecturer
Griffith University
Department of Chemistry


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