Who's Who in
Sciences Academia

65 members found

David Koetje, Professor
Calvin College
Department of Biology

Arie Leegwater, Professor Emeritus
Calvin College
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Brendan Looyenga, Assistant Professor
Calvin College
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Larry Louters, Professor Emeritus
Calvin College
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

William Miller, Assistant Professor
Calvin College
Department of Biology

Larry Molnar, Professor
Calvin College
Department of Physics and Astronomy

Christopher Moseley, Associate Professor
Calvin College
Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Mark Muyskens, Professor
Calvin College
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Victor Norman, Associate Professor
Calvin College
Department of Computer Science

Kenneth Piers, Professor Emeritus
Calvin College
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Pam Plantinga, Adjunct Professor
Calvin College
Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Randall J Pruim, Professor
Calvin College
Department of Computer Science

Thomas Scofield, Associate Professor
Calvin College
Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Anding Shen, Professor
Calvin College
Department of Biology

Kumar Sinniah, Professor
Calvin College
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry


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