Who's Who in
Sciences Academia

96 members found

Olcay OBALI, Professor
Ankara University
Department of Biology

Muserref ONAL, Associate Professor
Ankara University
Department of Chemistry

Isil ONCEL, Professor
Ankara University
Department of Biology

Cihan ORHAN, Professor
Ankara University
Department of Mathematics

Ozlem OSMANOGLU, Assistant Professor
Ankara University
Department of Biology

Nuri OZALP, Assistant Professor
Ankara University
Department of Mathematics

Levent OZBEK, Assistant Professor
Ankara University
Department of Statistics

Necla OZKAYA TURHAN, Lecturer
Ankara University
Department of Statistics

Nurten NAVRUZ OZOGUL, Associate Professor
Ankara University
Department of Physics

Ozer OZOGUL, Assistant Professor
Ankara University
Department of Physics

Tarik PEKEL, Professor
Ankara University
Department of Chemistry

N. Munevver PINAR, Professor
Ankara University
Department of Biology

Arif SABUNCUODLU, Professor
Ankara University
Department of Mathematics

Mehmet SACAK, Professor
Ankara University
Department of Chemistry

Mesude SAGLAM, Professor
Ankara University
Department of Physics


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