Who's Who in
Sciences Academia

17763 members found

Punyapol Horata, Assistant Professor
Khon Kaen University
Department of Computer Science

Fariba Jafari Horestani, Adjunct Instructor
American University
Department of Computer Science

Svend Andreas Horgen, Associate Professor
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Department of Computer science

Kazumasa HORIE, Assistant Professor
University of Tsukuba
College of Information Science

Jeffrey Horn, Associate Professor
Northern Michigan University
Department of Computer Science

Thomas Hornbeck, Adjunct Instructor
University of Iowa
Department of Computer Science

Andrew B. HORNER, Professor
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Department of Computer Science

Joseph Hornik, Instructor
Grand Valley State University
Department of Computer Science

Anthony J. Hornof, Asst. Professor
University of Oregon
Department Computer Science

Heiko Horst Hornung, Professor
Universidade Estadual de Campinas
Department of Computer Science

Mark Horowitz, Professor
Stanford University
Department of Computer Science

Ian Horrocks, Adjunct Professor
University of Oslo
Department of Informatics

Michael Horsch, Associate Professor
University of Saskatchewan
Department of Computer Science

Ian Horswill, Associate Professor
University of Western Ontario
Department of Computer Science

Thomas Horton, Associate Professor
University of Virginia
Department of Computer Science


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