John Hine, Professor
Victoria University of Wellington
School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science
M. Jason Hinek, Instructor
Carleton University
School of Computer Science
Philip Hingston, Lecturer
Edith Cowan University
School of Computer and Information Science
Alexis Hiniker, Adjunct Professor
University of Washington
Department of Computer Science
Paul J Hinker, Assistant Professor
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Department of Computer Science
Lee Hinkle, Lecturers
Texas State University
Department of Computer Science
Hans Hinterberger, Emeritus Professor
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
Department of Computer Science
Geoffrey E. Hinton, Professor
University of Toronto
Department of Computer Science
Jamie Hipsman
Northeastern University
Department of Computer and information Science
Yoshito Hirata, Associate Professor
University of Tsukuba
College of Information Science
Hana Hirbawi, Instructor
Al-Quds University
Department of Computer Science
Brian F. Hircock, Lecturer
Trent University
Department of Computer Science
Yuichi Hirose, Lecturer
Victoria University of Wellington
School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science
Furukawa Hiroshi, Associate Professor
University of Tsukuba
College of Information Science
ABE Hirotake, Associate Professor
University of Tsukuba
College of Information Science