Who's Who in
Sciences Academia

17763 members found

Joseph L. Hellerstein, Professor
University of Washington
Department of Computer Science

Joseph M. Hellerstein, Associate Professor
University of California, Berkeley
Department of Computer Science

Lisa Hellerstein, Associate Professor
Polytechnic Institute of New York University
Department Computer Science

Tor Helleseth, Emeritus Professor
University of Bergen
Department of Informatics

Martin Hellwig, Assistant Professor
Providence College
Department of Math/Computer Science

Michael Helm, Instructor
Texas Tech University
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Uwe Helm, Professor
British Columbia Institute of Technology
Department of Computing

Petra Helmholz, Senior Lecturer
Curtin University of Technology
Department of Computer Science

Ahmed Helmy, Associate Professor
University of Florida
Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering

Charles Hélou, Lecturer
Universite de Montreal
Department of Computer Science and Operations Research

Mustafa Helvacı, Assistant Professor
Istanbul Technical University
Informatics Institute

Northeastern University
Department of Computer and information Science

Edith Hemaspaandra, Professor
Rochester Institute of Technology
Department of Computer Science

Lane A. Hemaspaandra, Professor
University of Rochester
Department of Computer Science

Guy C. Hembroff, Associate Professor
Michigan Technological University
Department of Computer Science


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