Nigel Hedges, Adjunct Professor
Deakin University
School of Information Technology
Rachid Hedjam, Assistant Professor
Sultan Qaboos University
Department of Computer Science
Charles Hedrick
Rutgers University
Department of Computer Science
G. E. Hedrick, Professor
Oklahoma State University
Department of Computer Science
Jeffrey Heer, Associate Professor
University of Washington
Department of Computer Science
Cinda Heeren, Senior Instructor
University of British Columbia
Department of Computer Science
Simon Fraser University
Department of Computing Science
Neil Heffernan, Assistant Professor
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Department of Computer Science
Harry Heffes, Professor
Stevens Institute of Technology
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Jeff Heflin, Assistant Professor
Lehigh University
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Doaa Abdel Karim Mohamed Hegazy, Assistant Professor
Ain Shams University
Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences
Islam Mohamed Elsayed Hegazy, Associate Lecturer
Ain Shams University
Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences
Nidhi Hegde, Associate Professor
University of Alberta
Department of Computing Science
Shankar Hegde, Visiting Assistant Professor
Northern Illinois University
Department of Computer Science
Jason Heibel, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Michigan Technological University
Department of Computer Science