Who's Who in
Sciences Academia

17763 members found

Maribel Handy, Instructor
Texas Southern University
Department of Physics

Brian Hanley, Adjunct Professor
William Paterson University of New Jersey
Department of Computer Science

Peter Hanlon, Associate Professor
United States Military Academy
Department of Computer Science

Jeri R. Hanly, Emeritus Lecturer
University of Wyoming
Department of Computer Science

Eileen-Marie Hanna, Assistant Professor
Lebanese American University
Department of Computer Science & Mathematics

Latif Abdel Malek Hanna, Associate Professor
Kuwait University
Department of Mathematics & Computer Science

Michael Hanna, Lecturer
Suffolk University
Department of Computer Science

Michael Hanna, Professor
New Jersey City University
Department of Computer Science

Aniko Hannak, Professor
University of Zurich
Institute for Computer Science

John J. Hannan, Associate Professor
Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Patricia A. Hannaway, Lecturers
Dartmouth College
Department of Computer Science

Peter Hannay, Lecturer
Edith Cowan University
School of Computer and Information Science

Charles Hannon, Professor
Washington & Jefferson College
Department of Computing and Information Studies

Rana Hanocka, Assistant Professor
University of Chicago
Department of Computer Science

Jonathan Hanon, Professor
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Department of Mathematics & Computer Science


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