William Hamill, Assistant Professor
University of Tulsa
Department of Mathematical and Computer Science
Craig Hamilton, Lecturer
University of Basel
Department of Computer Science
Dale Hamilton, Associate Professor
Northwest Nazarene University
Department of Math & Computer Science
Eugene Hamilton, Emeritus Professor
Washington College
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Howard J. Hamilton, Professor
University of Regina
Department of Computer Science
Nicole Hamilton, Lecturer
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Ariel Hamlin, Assistant Professor
Northeastern University
Department of Computer and information Science
Mustafa Mohammed Hammad, Associate Professor
University of Bahrain
Department of Computer Science
Christopher Hammond, Assistant Professor
Connecticut College
Department of Mathematics Computer Science
Kristian J. Hammond, Professor
University of Western Ontario
Department of Computer Science
Kristian J. Hammond, Professor
Northwestern University
Department of Computer Science
Marcus Hammond
Coppin State University
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Mohammad Hammoud, Assistant Professor
Carnegie Mellon University
School of Computer Science
Mark Hamner, Assistant Professor
Texas Woman's University
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Wedad Hussein Reyad Hamouda, Lecturer
Ain Shams University
Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences