Who's Who in
Sciences Academia

17763 members found

Don Gage, Adjunct Professor
University of Vermont
Department of Computer Science

TRAVIS GAGIE, Associate Professor
Dalhousie University

Caroline Gagné, Professor
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
Department of Computer Science and Mathematics

Martin Gagné, Visiting Assistant Professor
Swarthmore College
Department of Computer Science

Derik Gagnon, Adjunct Professor
Champlain College
Department of Computer Science & Innovation

Etienne M. Gagnon, Professor
Université du Québec à Montréal
Department of Computer Science

Marek Gagolewski, Senior Lecturer
Deakin University
School of Information Technology

Mark Gahegan, Professor
University of Auckland
Department of Computer Science

Timothy Gaherty, Adjunct Professor
Illinois Institute of Technology
Department of Computer Science

J Gai, Assistant Professor
Royal Military College of Canada
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

James Gain, Lecturer
University of Cape Town
Department of Computer Science

David Gaitros, Senior Instructor
Florida State University
Department of Computer Science

Ria Galanos, Adjunct Instructor
American University
Department of Computer Science

Renata de Matos Galante, Associate Professor
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Institute of Informatics

Bruce Gale, Adjunct Assistant Professor
University of Utah
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering


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