Who's Who in
Sciences Academia

17763 members found

Terry Feagin, Professor
University of Houston - Clear Lake
Department of Computer Science

Nick Feamster, Professor
University of Chicago
Department of Computer Science

Susan R. Feather-Gannon, Professor
Pace University
School of Computer Science and Information Systems

Amy Feaver, Assistant Professor
The King's University
Department of Computing Sciences

Ron Fedderson, Lecturer
Polytechnic Institute of New York University
Department Computer Science

Pavol Federl, Instructor
University of Calgary
Department of Computer Science

Alan Fedoruk, Assistant Professor
Mount Royal University
Department of Computer Science and Information Systems

Grigory Fedyukovich, Assistant Professor
Florida State University
Department of Computer Science

Samuel Fee, Professor
Washington & Jefferson College
Department of Computing and Information Studies

Marc Feeley, Professor
Universite de Montreal
Department of Computer Science and Operations Research

Robert K. Feeney, Professor
Georgia Institute of Technology
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

William Fefferman, Assistant Professor
University of Chicago
Department of Computer Science

Leonidas Fegaras, Associate Professor
University of Texas, Arlington
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Ansgar Fehnker, Professor
University of the South Pacific
School of Computing, Information and Mathematical Sciences

Zongming Fei, Assistant Professor
University of Kentucky
Department of Computer Science


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